I've always been that girl who looks forward to the new year. So many amazing things happen with the new year. Although I've never been one to say the cliche "New Year, New Me," I do believe this is a great opportunity to make a better you.
They say your goals are more likely to come true if you write them down... well here goes nothing!
Be A Goal Digger!
So this year, I have a lot of things in mind that I want to truly work on. I've noticed that in my life, I tend to start things and not really follow through with them. So this is the year to change that. Below, I'm listing some of the goals I have set for myself and how I plan to achieve them. This isn't all of my goals, of course. But this is just a few that I think may resonate with you as well.Health
This year, I want to be all-around healthier and more body-conscious. Right before the new year started, I got a membership at a yoga studio, and I am so excited to say that I have been every single day since. It has been such an amazing experience and has definitely made me more aware of my body and the things I am putting in it. This allowed me to change my eating habits. I went from ordering pizza 3-4 times a week to having pizza only once this week. Now, as a college student, this is such an improvement. I have also been eating primarily plant-based foods. I am still eating meats and such, but I have definitely been getting a lot more of my fruits and vegetables in. Going to a completely plant-based diet has been a goal of mine since before I started graduate school, but with my erratic schedule, this has been rather difficult. With some planning, I have been able to do a lot better with this. I am not sure that I want to go completely plant-based any longer, but knowing that I am choosing healthier foods has made all the difference in my energy levels and moods throughout the day. These health changes are something I plan to stick to throughout the year.
I think that every semester, students have the goal of getting a 4.0. And this semester is no different for me. I would love to make a 4.0 this semester, but I want to get no less than a 3.8. And I definitely think that is obtainable. My plan is to study for each class at least 1 hour every day. This upcoming semester, I will be taking two organic chemistry classes while also teaching a section of biochemistry lab (Yay! So excited about this!) and of course conducting research. This semester will be tough, but if I stay on top of my studies every day, then I think that I will do fine. Time management is key here. This coming semester, I also have my first comittee meeting (Comment below if you would like a post on that.)! And I have two more cumulative exams to pass to meet my degree requirements. My planner has already been my best friend, but seriously....we're about to be married with as much stuff that I have to do now! lol
This is probably my biggest goal for this semester! I want to save money to put towards a new car! Can you tell that I'm excited? In order to accomplish this, I want to have at least two No Spend Days a week. A No Spend Day is exactly what it sounds like. You don't spend any money, at all, period. Now, for those of you that know me, know that my Starbucks addiction is VERY real. But I will be making great strides to break that habit. I also plan to open a separate bank accoount that will allow me to save money without seeing or touching it. I read about this method on Pinterest and I think it may work for me. We shall see!
To-TEA-ly Bri
I have some big goals and dreams for this blog. This is such a great outlet for me, and I want to post new content as often as I can. I would like to be consistent with my posts and TRY to post every 1.5 to 2 weeks. I am truly hoping to grow this blog this semester. So if you aren't already, subscribe, so that you don't miss anything!
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