Hello everyone! If you are following my Instagram page (@12bre45), then you probably saw that I recently announced that I would be attending the University of Mississippi this Fall. This is such an amazing opportunity for me and definitely did not come easily. So in this post, I wanted to take some time to explain the process I went through to finally be Ole Miss Bound . *Also, before reading this post, it would be helpful if you have already read my post Choosing Biochemistry . On to Plan B As I have mentioned before, I changed my major very late in the college game. But in doing so, I had discovered something that I was truly passionate about. Although I had finally taken all of these biochemistry classes and had a lot of research under my belt, I still did not feel prepared for graduate school. Graduate school applications are usually due sometime during the fall semester when you're applying for the next fall semester. This is when sooooo many things finally occur...