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Portabello Mushroom Steak

I was soooo shocked at this quick, yummy, and VEGAN alternative to steak. So simple to make and definitely a meal packed with lots of nutrition. Portabello Mushroom Steak with mashed potatoes and roasted veggies Recipe- Portabello Mushroom Steak 4 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil (I used a mix of both) 1 lemon salt black pepper portabello mushroom (sliced or whole- I used pre-sliced) tumeric cumin season all salt In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, the juice of 1 lemon, and the seasonings to taste. I added tumeric for the extra health benefits, but this is not neccesary. This mixture will serve as the marinade for the portabello steaks. Place the mushrooms into the marinade and allow them to sit for about 20-30 minutes flipping or mixing them after the first 15 minutes. If using whole portabello mushrooms, keep them top down in the marinade.  For the cooking, I simply used my George Foreman grill, but I am sure that a regular skillet o...
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5 Things I Learned As A 1st Year Graduate Student

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My Vegan-Ish Journey

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1 Year Down, 4 To Go: Life Update

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Dirty Hot Chocolate

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Be a Goal Digger

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First Semester Update

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